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GST Registration Online Process in India

OrangeBiotech GST Registration Online

If you are confronting any difficulty regarding online GST registration then you don’t need to worry as we are here to support you throughout. GST online registration is the major process for the businesses through our GST registration process, you can easily proceed with the registration.

GST Registration – To run a business the GST registration process is quite crucial for the most persons and entities supplying goods & services in India. When the aggregate value of supply is more than Rs 20 lakhs GST registration becomes mandatory all in the case of a person or entity supplying goods & services. And in the case where the entity is operating in a special category state, the GST registration becomes mandatory when the aggregate value of supply is more than Rs.10 lakhs per annum.

GST process in India is available completely online. It doesn’t require manual intervention or no physical paper submissions. A quite simple procedure has been prescribed for GST Registration.

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How to Obtain GST Registration

There are some points that will make you more easily in obtaining GST Registration includes:

GSTIN – A GSTIN or GST identification number is simply a unique PAN-based GST Registration Number which is issued by the GST authorities on successful GST registration in India. GSTIN is used to log in to GST portal or site and needed to claim input credits.

GST RATES – After the GSTIN process, the GST has a six-tier rate structure. Goods and Services Taxes or Rates depend on all types of goods & services. All the GST Services plunges under these rates. But currently, the major GST taxes are 5%, 12%, 18% on the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry.

SGST/IGST/CGST – These terms refer with the State, Integrated and central GST. In case of interstate (within state) sales or purchase, SGST and CGST are equally levied. In the case of interstate (between states) trade, IGST is applicable.

LIMIT OF THRESHOLD – GST is compulsory for persons, whose turnover exceed INR 20 Lakh. And If your sales are less than INR 20 Lakh, you may voluntarily opt for GST if you wish to avail the advantages of ITC. You know that in the northeast states, a limit is around INR 10 Lakh.

Further, all the applicants who make interstate purchase or sales of services or goods have to apply for GST registration. And after that, do not apply the above limits.


Documents Required for GST Registration

  • Identity and Address Proof of Directors with photographs
  • Bank Account Statement or canceled Cheque
  • Authority Letter
  • Digital Signature (not required in proprietorship firm)
  • Aadhar Card
  • PAN of applicant
  • Address Proof of business
  • Proof of business or registration


GST Registration Online Process in India

You know that the procedure of GST registration can be filed or done online all via GST Portal. On the submission of a GST registration application over the portal or official website, GST ARN is provided immediately. Utilizing the GST registration ARN, the application status can be verified and questions or queries if any can be answered by the applicant. Then Within 7 days of ARN generation, the applicant or the taxpayer would get GST registration certificate and GSTIN. Below are the easy steps for GST registration:

STEP 1: Go to the GST Portal and do access the GST official Portal through https://reg.gst.gov.in/registration/.

STEP 2: Now you have to Generate a TRN number all by Completing the OTP Validation. Here, the new GST registration page is displayed. Select the New Registration option. And then in case you left a GST registration application without completing, the section TRN number option can be used to continue to fill the old application. Then you will see in the drop-down list, select the Taxpayer type from the options provided. In the official State or UT and the district drop-down list, select the state for which GST registration is and so the district. In the Juridical Name of the Business (As mentioned in PAN) field, inscribe the legal name of your business/ entity as mentioned in the PAN database. There will be an automatic check with the PAN database. Hence, ensure the name is the equivalent as in PAN. In case a wrong name is mentioned in PAN, apply for the correction of PAN first.

In the Permanent Account Number (PAN) field, enter PAN of your business or PAN of the Proprietor. GST registration is linked to PAN. Hence, in the case of a company or LLP, enter the PAN of the company or LLP. In the field of Email Address, insert the email address of the Primary Authorized Signatory. (Will be confirmed in next step), in the field of Mobile Number, insert the valid Indian mobile number of the Primary Authorized Signatory. (Will be confirmed in the following step) Click the PROCEED button.  

STEP 3: After the procedure of generating the TRN number or the submission of the above information, the OTP Verification page is displayed. OTP will be valid only for 10 minutes. Hence, enter the two separate OTP sent to validate the email and mobile number. Then In the Mobile OTP field, enter the OTP you received on your mobile number & in the Email OTP field, you have to enter the OTP which you received on your email address., OTP Verification & TRN Generation.

STEP 4: When the TRN number got generated only on successfully completing the OTP verification, a TRN number will be generated. TRN number will now be utilized to complete and submit the GST registration application.

STEP 5: Login with TRN, When the TRN number is generated, you can initiate the GST registration process. In the Temporary Reference Number (TRN) field on the official GST Portal or site, enter the TRN number which generated and enter the captcha text as shown on the screen. Then Complete the whole OTP verification on mobile and email.

STEP 6: After login with the TRN number, Submit your Business Information, Various information must be submitted for getting GST registration easily. Then, In the first tab, business some details must be submitted, like in the Trade Name field, then you need to enter the trade name of your business. Input the Constitution of the Business from the drop-down list, the District and Sector/ Circle / Ward / Charge/ Unit from the drop-down list. In the Commissionerate Code, Division Code and Range Code drop-down list, opt the appropriate choice. Then Select if you would like to opt for the Composition Scheme.

Input the date of commencement of business. Choose the Day or Date on which the debt to register arises. This is the time the company spanned the aggregate turnover threshold for GST registration. Taxpayers are expected to register in the application for fresh/new GST registration within 30 days from the date on which the contract/liability to GST register appears.

STEP 7: Another step for getting the GST registration number is all the Submit Promoter Information. In the next loop, features of the promoters of the business must be resigned. In the case of a company, the directory information must be submitted. In the case of proprietorship, the owners’ report must be relinquished. All the details of up to 10 Promoters or Partners can be resigned in a GST registration application. There are some detachments that must be presented for the promoters like, Peculiar details of the stakeholder like name, date of birth, address, mobile number, email address and gender.

Designation of a promoter. DIN of the Promoter, only for the following types of applicants includes, Private Limited Company, Public Limited Company, Public Sector Undertaking, Unlimited Company, Foreign Company registered in India, Photo of the promoter, Details of citizenship, PAN & Aadhar, & your Residential address.

STEP 8: Now an applicant needs to Submit Authorised Signatory Information. An approved or authorized signatory is a person chosen by the promoters of the organization to be liable for filing GST returns of the company and maintaining the necessary compliance. The authorized signatory will have full access to the official Portal or Site and will be able to undertake an enormous range of transactions on behalf of the promoters. The promoter of a company can also be an authorized signatory.

And in case a promoter was selected as an authorized signatory in the prior section, this section will be auto-populated with the relevant details. The details required for authorized signatory is the same as that of the promoters.

STEP 9: After the process of the submission of all the promoter information. You need to fill the details of the principal place of business that must be provided by the applicant or taxpayer. Then the Principal Place of Business is the foremost location within the State where a taxpayer’s business is performed. The main place of contract is essentially the address where the business’s records or statements are saved and are often where the firm or at least top management is located. Hence, in the cause of a company or LLP, the major principal place of business would be the registered office.  

STEP 10: Then the details of Goods and Services. In this section, the taxpayer must proffer all the essential details of the top 5 goods and services supplied by the applicant. And this is just an indicative list and the business of the applicant will not be restricted in any way to the GST services mentioned. Here, for goods supplied, provide the HSN code and for services, provide SAC code. In case if you have more than the five GST services, you can add the top five goods or services you are dealing with.


GST Registration Fees

Mainly there are two types of registration fees one is government fees and the other one is professional fees. Government fee is NIL in India for all and the professional fees depend on the CA, CS, and other professionals.

GST Registration Status

You can check your GST registration status from the official GST website.

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